Entrepreneurship and innovation amid COVID-related challenges – what we can learn from businesses in Spain and Brazil

The COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) is a virtual exchange project consisting of synchronous and asynchronous activities where groups of Spanish and Brazilian students will analyze and discuss aspects of innovation in SMEs, paying special attention to the impact of the Covid pandemic.

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Tiene buena pinta, ¿verdad?. ¡Estudia tu Entrepreneurship and innovation amid COVID-related challenges – what we can learn from businesses in Spain and Brazil en la Universidad Católica de Ávila!



Al marcar con una cruz esta casilla autorizo expresamente a la Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila, con CIF R0500336C y domicilio en Ávila, en la C/Canteros, s/n - 05005, al tratamiento e incorporación a los correspondientes ficheros, de los datos personales y académicos que comunico en esta matrícula y en los demás impresos/instancias vinculados a misma y a la gestión académica y docente de la universidad, así como para el envío de información referente a otras acciones formativas (2) Siempre que así lo estime, podré ejercitar mis derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición relativo a este tratamiento, dirigiéndome al correo electrónico proteccion.datos@ucavila.es
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During the first week of November the students will interviews companies in both locations about innovation and entrepreneurial approaches that helped to overcome covid related-challenges; based on the interviews they will produce reports / presentations analysing their findings in the light of theories and models about innovation processes/management and entrepreneurship; work will be done in mixed bi-cultural groups of 4-6 students each.

Match groups and companies (each group will analyze 1 company from Avila/Spain and 1 from Brazil)


  • Learn about business environment and higher education/student life in Spain and Brazil;
  • Get familiar with different theories and methods in innovation management
  • Enhance intercultural comprehension and collaboration skills in digital environments
  • Use English/Spanish as working language

DURATION: Mid October – End November 2021 (6 weeks)


Mainly third or fourth year students of the Degree in Business Administration and Management or Degree in Economics. Good familiarity with the English language is an advantage.

Interested students from other degrees or second year students, please consult with one of the project coordinators.


– Students will receive a certificate accrediting the competencies acquired.

– The activity will be an evaluation component for most of the students (for more information, please consult with the activity coordinators).


Enrique Sánchez (Project Coordinator) enrique.sanchez@ucavila.es

Iván Martín (Project Coordinator) ivan.martin@ucavila.es

Annette Beermann (Coordinator International Mobility Programmes) annette.beermann@ucavila.es
